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Class WVectorTraits128Avx2Abstract


Vector128<T> traits - Avx2 abstract.

public abstract class WVectorTraits128Avx2Abstract : WVectorTraits128SseAbstract, IWVectorTraits128, IWVectorTraits, IBaseTraits
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



Types with hardware acceleration when running ConvertToDouble (运行 ConvertToDouble 时具有硬件加速的类型).


Types with hardware acceleration when running ConvertToInt64 (运行 ConvertToInt64 时具有硬件加速的类型).


Types with hardware acceleration when running ConvertToUInt32 (运行 ConvertToUInt32 时具有硬件加速的类型).


Types with hardware acceleration when running ConvertToUInt64 (运行 ConvertToUInt64 时具有硬件加速的类型).


Whether to exist hardware accelerated (是否存在硬件加速).


Whether to support the run (是否支持运行).


Used instruction sets. The separator is a comma char ',' (使用的指令集. 分隔符是逗号 ',').



Convert to a vector whose elements are of type Double (转换为元素类型是Double的向量).. Mnemonic: rt[i] := (Double)(value[i]).


Convert to a vector whose elements are of type Double (转换为元素类型是Double的向量).. Mnemonic: rt[i] := (Double)(value[i]).


Convert to a vector whose elements are of type Int64, rounding mode is truncate(round to zero) (转换为元素类型是Int64的向量, 舍入模式为截断(舍入到零)). Mnemonic: rt[i] := (Int64)(value[i]).


Convert to a vector whose elements are of type UInt32 (转换为元素类型是UInt32的向量).. Mnemonic: rt[i] := (UInt32)(value[i]).


Convert to a vector whose elements are of type UInt64, rounding mode is truncate(round to zero) (转换为元素类型是UInt64的向量, 舍入模式为截断(舍入到零)). Mnemonic: rt[i] := (UInt64)(value[i]).


Gets it is support the run (取得它是否支持运行).


Get unsupported messages (取得不支持时的消息).

ShiftLeft_Args(Vector128<byte>, int, out Vector128<byte>)

Arguments calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftLeft_Core (为 ShiftLeft_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Args(Vector128<int>, int, out Vector128<int>)

Arguments calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftLeft_Core (为 ShiftLeft_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Args(Vector128<long>, int, out Vector128<long>)

Arguments calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftLeft_Core (为 ShiftLeft_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Args(Vector128<sbyte>, int, out Vector128<sbyte>)

Arguments calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftLeft_Core (为 ShiftLeft_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Args(Vector128<uint>, int, out Vector128<uint>)

Arguments calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftLeft_Core (为 ShiftLeft_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Args(Vector128<ulong>, int, out Vector128<ulong>)

Arguments calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftLeft_Core (为 ShiftLeft_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_ConstCore(Vector128<byte>, int, Vector128<byte>, Vector128<byte>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount.

ShiftLeft_ConstCore(Vector128<int>, int, Vector128<int>, Vector128<int>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount.

ShiftLeft_ConstCore(Vector128<long>, int, Vector128<long>, Vector128<long>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount.

ShiftLeft_ConstCore(Vector128<sbyte>, int, Vector128<sbyte>, Vector128<sbyte>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount.

ShiftLeft_ConstCore(Vector128<uint>, int, Vector128<uint>, Vector128<uint>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount.

ShiftLeft_ConstCore(Vector128<ulong>, int, Vector128<ulong>, Vector128<ulong>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount.

ShiftLeft_Core(Vector128<byte>, int, Vector128<byte>, Vector128<byte>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Core(Vector128<int>, int, Vector128<int>, Vector128<int>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Core(Vector128<long>, int, Vector128<long>, Vector128<long>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Core(Vector128<sbyte>, int, Vector128<sbyte>, Vector128<sbyte>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Core(Vector128<uint>, int, Vector128<uint>, Vector128<uint>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftLeft_Core(Vector128<ulong>, int, Vector128<ulong>, Vector128<ulong>)

Core calculation for shifts each element of a vector left by the specified amount (将向量的每个元素左移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftLeft_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftLeft_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] << shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightArithmetic_Args(Vector128<int>, int, out Vector128<int>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightArithmetic_Core (为 ShiftRightArithmetic_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightArithmetic_Args(Vector128<long>, int, out Vector128<long>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightArithmetic_Core (为 ShiftRightArithmetic_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightArithmetic_Args(Vector128<sbyte>, int, out Vector128<sbyte>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightArithmetic_Core (为 ShiftRightArithmetic_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightArithmetic_ConstCore(Vector128<int>, int, Vector128<int>, Vector128<int>)

Core calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightArithmetic_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightArithmetic_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightArithmetic_ConstCore(Vector128<long>, int, Vector128<long>, Vector128<long>)

Core calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightArithmetic_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightArithmetic_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightArithmetic_ConstCore(Vector128<sbyte>, int, Vector128<sbyte>, Vector128<sbyte>)

Core calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightArithmetic_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightArithmetic_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightArithmetic_Core(Vector128<int>, int, Vector128<int>, Vector128<int>)

Core calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightArithmetic_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightArithmetic_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightArithmetic_Core(Vector128<long>, int, Vector128<long>, Vector128<long>)

Core calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightArithmetic_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightArithmetic_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightArithmetic_Core(Vector128<sbyte>, int, Vector128<sbyte>, Vector128<sbyte>)

Core calculation for shifts (signed) each element of a vector right by the specified amount (将向量的每个有符号元素算术右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightArithmetic_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightArithmetic_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Args(Vector128<byte>, int, out Vector128<byte>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightLogical_Core (为 ShiftRightLogical_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Args(Vector128<int>, int, out Vector128<int>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightLogical_Core (为 ShiftRightLogical_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Args(Vector128<long>, int, out Vector128<long>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightLogical_Core (为 ShiftRightLogical_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Args(Vector128<sbyte>, int, out Vector128<sbyte>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightLogical_Core (为 ShiftRightLogical_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Args(Vector128<uint>, int, out Vector128<uint>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightLogical_Core (为 ShiftRightLogical_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Args(Vector128<ulong>, int, out Vector128<ulong>)

Arguments calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的参数计算). Provide arguments for ShiftRightLogical_Core (为 ShiftRightLogical_Core 提供参数). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_ConstCore(Vector128<byte>, int, Vector128<byte>, Vector128<byte>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightLogical_ConstCore(Vector128<int>, int, Vector128<int>, Vector128<int>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightLogical_ConstCore(Vector128<long>, int, Vector128<long>, Vector128<long>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightLogical_ConstCore(Vector128<sbyte>, int, Vector128<sbyte>, Vector128<sbyte>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightLogical_ConstCore(Vector128<uint>, int, Vector128<uint>, Vector128<uint>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightLogical_ConstCore(Vector128<ulong>, int, Vector128<ulong>, Vector128<ulong>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount - Const (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算 - 常量). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount.

ShiftRightLogical_Core(Vector128<byte>, int, Vector128<byte>, Vector128<byte>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Core(Vector128<int>, int, Vector128<int>, Vector128<int>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Core(Vector128<long>, int, Vector128<long>, Vector128<long>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Core(Vector128<sbyte>, int, Vector128<sbyte>, Vector128<sbyte>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Core(Vector128<uint>, int, Vector128<uint>, Vector128<uint>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).

ShiftRightLogical_Core(Vector128<ulong>, int, Vector128<ulong>, Vector128<ulong>)

Core calculation for shifts (unsigned) each element of a vector right by the specified amount. (将向量的每个无符号元素逻辑右移指定量的核心计算). Its arguments are derived from ShiftRightLogical_Args (其参数来源于 ShiftRightLogical_Args). Mnemonic: rt[i] := value[i] >>> shiftAmount, shiftAmount &= (T.BitSize-1).


Throw exception when not supported. (当不支持时抛出异常).